Visit Singapore Zoo: OF ZOOS

Wednesday, February 06, 2013


OF ZOOS is an electronic literary journal by Singaporeans for Singaporeans, and everyone else. We publish poetry and its sub-branches.

OF ZOOS believes that the poem is created out of a regular grammar of lines, rhyme and rhythm as much as it is created from holes cut out in books or newspaper clippings patched together. By the phrase “poetry and its sub-branches”, we mean (or try to mean) poems (from the sonnet to the haiku to the cento), flash fiction pretending to be prose poems, flash fiction that are prose poems (who can tell the difference anyway), illustrated poems, mixed media forms disguised as poems, a photograph of your dog etc. The only thing we do not allow are plagiarized poems.

Since we are pretty much embryonic at this stage, the journal’s final appearance will be dictated by you, our readers and contributors, and by the discerning eye of our editors.

OF ZOOS loves literature and art; invention and tradition; artificiality and verisimilitude; outrageousness and subtlety; tenderness and the sublime. We adore paradox, the courageous metaphor, experimental voices, and most of all, we love the fact that we love to write and read. We encourage Singaporean sensibilities not limited to Singapore, if that makes any sense. We especially encourage young, new, unpublished, ‘in the closet’ Singaporean writers. We welcome non-Singaporeans.

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